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Year of the integration of blockchain, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things

2017 is the year the cryptocurrency is accepted by the mainstream.

But for those of us who have been investing in the past few years, we are even more excited about the technological developments that correspond to it.

Blockchain technology is the underlying technology for most cryptocurrencies, and it is now in its infancy. Last year, we saw a lot of early evidence that this new infrastructure application has come to an end, including the replacement of the current trading settlement mechanism by an Australian security exchange through a blockchain system.

It reminds me that from the 1990s to the 2000s, large enterprises underwent a transition from customer service server architecture to network-based architecture, bringing their supply chains and deployment processes collectively to online. They carefully studied the cost of replacing the current system by conducting extensive ROI studies. After 20 years, the return on investment is equally clear, but many companies consider it risky to do so now.

I believe we will continue to see more companies in different industries that will learn more by 2018 that blockchain technology will provide them with tremendous efficiency gains (and at the same time provide them with the potential for future growth Emerging Business Model).

When I started investing in Future \ Perfect Venture in 2014 with a major investment in decentralizing related projects, I was so excited about the integration of blockchain technology and other emerging technologies that included machine learning, that is, Artificial Intelligence, Security and Internet of Things. In this way, I expect 2018 to be the year where we can see these technologies converging and truly creating a centralized computing and communications platform in the future.

Decentralization, based on its nature, requires a paradigm shift away from the existing single, centralized server in favor of a more intelligent node.

We will continue to see the development of the semiconductor, they will become smaller and smaller, but at the same time can provide more advanced computing. As device boundaries become smaller and smaller, the smart contracts offered by blockchain platforms will work better on more advanced data analytics.

I've seen Mini-Brain on every of our devices, from simple mini-brains to mini-brains that can run larger databases and do calculations based on the data.

More open-sourced data and more intelligent processes at nodes will allow more companies and individuals to access a broader repository than to monopolize proprietary data from big companies like Facebook and Google . More importantly, these data will be the symbols and distortions of the world in which we live, not the companies in the same geographical location.