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There will be large-scale commercial use of blockchain in the next two to three years

Sina Technology News March 24 afternoon news, today, the China Development Forum 2018 "New Age China" was held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Jing Xiandong, CEO of Ant Financial Services Group, was in the "financial innovation and blockchain revolution." At the round table, he mentioned:

1. The core of the blockchain lies in the use of technology to create multi-party trust mechanisms to solve the credible problems of data, objects, assets, and people, and promote efficient collaboration across organizations and individuals.

2. The current blockchain is still in the period of speculation, like the bubble period of the Internet in the 1990s;

3. In the next two to three years, blockchain technology should have large-scale commercial applications. (Xin Xin)

The following is an account of the speech of Jingxian Dong, compiled by Sina Technology:

The weather in Beijing today is very good. It is a very good spring season. It is alive and vibrant, and the blockchain also gives us a vibrant hope. The theme of my speech today is "blockchain: returning to origin and creating value."

The core of the blockchain lies in using technology to create multi-party trust mechanisms to solve the credible problems of data, objects, assets, and people, and promote efficient collaboration across organizations and individuals. Where is the blockchain today? It should be said that a large-scale application has not yet been found. Like the Internet bubble in the 1990s, any company with a web is self-proclaimed as an “Internet company.” Recently, ICO “air coins” and blockchain pets have emerged. This reflects the period when the blockchain is still speculating.

To truly conduct large-scale commercial applications, there are still several large-scale challenges: 1. Security challenges, including algorithms, systems, protocols, and other security; 2. Information protection, information on the chain needs to be transparently disclosed, but also to protect data privacy. How to use technological breakthroughs to solve these two demands is not a balance but a breakthrough; 3. Transaction performance issues; 4. Incentive mechanism issues. If multiple parties cooperate, they need a good incentive mechanism.

Ant Financial is committed to two points. The first is the "early heart" problem. The responsibility and responsibility behind the technology is very important. We must use technology to make society better. The second is that we are committed to technological breakthroughs and overcome the technical barriers to the large-scale commercial use of blockchains.

Ant Financial has a public benefit platform that uses blockchain technology to make everyone's money transparent and open to the public. This is a decentralized setting. More than 20 million users have donated more than 300 million yuan to the platform, so you can see that after applying the blockchain technology, everyone has a trust.

Ant Financial has overcome the technical barriers to large-scale commercial use of the blockchain. I have summarized it in three points: 1. The ability to handle transactions can now reach tens of thousands of pens per second; 2. Comprehensive information protection capabilities. We are still further Research; 3, blockchain value chain collaboration. In general, Ant Financial has a very large number of patents on blockchain technology and should be the most patented in the world.

The era of truly creating value with blockchain technology is coming. In the next two to three years, there should be large-scale commercial use. Let us work together to create a better future. thank you all.