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How does a quantum blockchain guarantee the security of future transactions?

In recent years, blockchain technology has swept the world in a way that anonymously records transactions between individuals. However, the security of blockchain networks is only temporary. It is only a matter of time before people find a way to use these coding information to break their security.

Although quantum computing may provide some serious security cracking capabilities for hackers, the delicate nature of quantum entanglement may also provide solutions to data security by touching the past and erasing their own history.

Two researchers at the University of Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand, have developed their own concept of a quantum blockchain that theoretically prevents anyone from interfering with your electronic books without their knowledge.

Blockchain technology is best known for its role in economic systems known as cryptocurrencies.

Where traditional pounds and US dollars are linked to the state-owned banking system, payment methods such as Bitcoin rely on decentralized encrypted trading networks.

This publicly-issued "bank book" uses a set of algorithms to time-stamp a series of computers on the Internet and evaluate each currency-based exchange. The advantage of this is that it can eliminate any kind of human authority.

This distributed decision makes blockchain technology perfectly applicable to any democratic process, from open banking systems to companies without CEOs.

However, this system relies on relative transparency to the public, which also makes it vulnerable to exploitation.

Now, a large number of transactions are encrypted, and even the fastest supercomputer can hardly crack this encryption in a reasonable amount of time.

But the problem is that quantum computing may change it all.

By using an algorithm based on a fuzzy guessing game with an indefinite quantum state, the computer can quickly perform operations in the traditional form of encryption.

Technology giants such as Google and IBM have made considerable progress on such quantum computers. These developments are exciting, but they also constitute a whole new world of risk.

Fortunately, the same phenomenon behind this technology provides a new perspective on how to obtain information.

The quantum properties of particles do not exist in a sense until we measure them in some way. It's like putting a glove in a box—until you see it, you didn't know whether it was left-handed or right-handed gloves.

What is even more bizarre is that if that particle is associated with another particle at a certain point in time - just like a glove is taken out of the same box - it will tell you immediately as it observes an example and it The state of pairing, no matter how far apart the two objects are.

The two particles are entangled with each other. Even if they are far apart, the behavior of one particle will affect the other. When one of them is operated (for example, quantum measurement) and the state changes, the other one will instantly change the corresponding state. This phenomenon, known as "quantum entanglement," is currently being used to add signatures to the communication process to alert the user whether an outsider has been listening during the communication.

This is not the first time this technology has been applied to the blockchain. Last year, researchers from the Russian Quantum Center invented and tested a method that uses quantum form instead of traditional encryption.

However, there are more than one method for Schrödinger's cats, and the quantum entanglement process does not only take place at a spatial distance.

The researchers wrote:

Perhaps more shockingly, our coding process can be interpreted as a non-classical way to influence the past. Therefore, this decentralized quantum blockchain can be considered as a quantum network time machine.
This kind of quantum time stamp makes it so powerful that it can build its own blockchains, not just encapsulate their bytes in encrypted sleeves.

The current records on digital books that interfere with quantum blockchains in any way will affect their own historical records, and therefore will change the records in the past, thereby invalidating the relevant records in the process of digital locking.

At present, this theory has not yet been tested. However, this is a new way of using quantum entanglement, which ensures that blockchain technology will remain secure in the future.